The “Preparation and Development of Information Education and Communication Printed and Video Materials” of PRMSU eE-Craft: Capability Enhancement of Implementers, Coordinators and Faculty Extensionists was held on July 27-28, 2023 via Zoom. It aimed to strengthen the capabilities of the implementers, faculty extensionists and coordinators in the preparation and development of appropriate IEC campaign and video materials.
Specifically, it aimed to: 1. Re-acquaint the faculty with the importance and basic rules in developing an IEC printed and video materials; 2. Develop IEC printed and video materials of accomplisged extension PPAs; 3. Develop promotional campaign materials of the developed technologies extended to the adopted communities; 4. Produce IEC printed and video materials for each mandated program with extension PPAs; 5. Alleviate and increase the reach of services to the community; and 6. Create awareness of the target communities, increase their knowledge, and ensures the PRMSU’s extension services feedback machanism.
The 2-day webinar was participated in by the University officials, Extension coordinators, program chairs and faculty extensionists. Day 1 was moderated by Mr. Vincent M. Pobre of College of Teacher Education, PRMSU Iba Campus, while Day 2 was moderated by Dr. Daryll Jim R. Angel, University Head of Student Organization.
Ms. Quimby Mari R. Genota and Mr. Jorge Cyril N. Viray, both Science Research Specialist II in Applied Communication Division (ACD) of DOST-PCAARRD, served as resource speakers for the 2-day capability enhancement webinar.