Download NotePad ++ (32 -bit/64 -bit) the latest Windows PC Autonomous version of the latest version. The free source code and note compensation support several languages. Works in the MS Windows environment and is controlled by a GPL license.
“NotePad ++
Plus is written with C ++ and uses a clean Win32 application interface and STL, which provides a higher performance speed and smaller program size. As many routines as possible to the user can calculate and reduce the power of the processor, leading to the ecological environment.
- PCRE (perl -compatible regular expression) Search/Change
- Fully applied: Minimal, tab with with closed button
- document map
- Automatic Filling: The Word Completion, To Complete the Function, and Functional Parameters Hint
- Several documents (tab)
- Multiflowered
- wysiwyg (Print)
- zoom ‘in and mas out
- Several language environments are supported
< li>
- Macro -storage and return Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
- RAM: 2GB RAM (Recommended 4GB)
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Download Notepad ++ 8.7.7 Free 2025.
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