CTE Faculty Extensionists together with Amungan National High School Administration and faculty held a replanning meeting

CTE Faculty Extensionists together with Amungan National High School Administration and faculty held a replanning meeting at ANHS Office of the Principal. The meeting was held for the purpose of reviewing the accomplishments of the partnership last school year and to plan for the implementation of programs, projects, and activities for the academic year 2024-2025 for the Ammungan Extension Program.

The meeting was attended by Mr. Allan E. Carbonell, Principal II, Master Teacher Ms. Vilma Arfapo, ANHS Subject Coordinators, Mr. Joven Ian M. Marquez, CTE ESCE Coordinator, Dr. Cecile M. Charcos, Research Coordinator, Dr. Baby S. Abagon, BSEd Program Chair, and project leaders Dr. Gladys R. Alviar, Mr. Leroy Flores, and Mr. Marshall James Dantic. Plans were presented to achieve targets for the new academic year as well as ensuring the sustainability of implemented PPAs. Breakout sessions per subject area was held to plan the specifics of each project. Initial activities will be implemented this coming September 2024.

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