AGAPAY sa DAMPAY: successful awarding and installation of STREET SOLAR LIGHTS and THE conduct of Seminar on RENEWABLE ENERGY at SITIO DAMPAY, BRGY SALAZA PALAUIG, ZAMBALES

THANK YOU VERY MUCH to our beloved university-PRMSU and to our very supportive university president Dr. Roy Villalobos, Asst. Director of PRMSU EXTSN OFFICE Dr. Mark Gil Dela Rosa and Director Ebal Rosie Lyn, to the VP for Research and Extension Dr. ELIZABETH FARIN and Budget Officer Mr. Roberto Briones for making this extension project – SOLARREE (Phase 1) possible.

Congratulations to the BS-Electrical Engineering Department of PRMSU, College of Engineering Iba Zambales, for a successful awarding and installation of STREET SOLAR LIGHTS and THE conduct of Seminar on RENEWABLE ENERGY at SITIO DAMPAY, BRGY SALAZA PALAUIG, ZAMBALES under the Extension Program AGAPAY sa DAMPAY of COE held last November 4, 2022.

KUDOS to the Project Leader Engr. Mark Lester Parallag, Program Extension Coordinator Engr. Jan Henry Vega, BSEE Faculty and Students headed by the Program Chairperson Engr. Gilbert Deboma and Asst Program Chairperson Engr. Doris Hilario-Marquez, Faculty-Extensionists, COE Staff and to our hardworking College Dean Dr. Marlon James Dedicatoria.
Thank you very much po and MABUHAY!
One step for COE, a hundred lives changed and transformed.

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