CTE Faculty Extensionists joined the First Annual University In House Review and Evaluation of Extension Programs, Projects, and Activities held via Zoom teleconferencing. Forester Felino J. Gutierrez, Jr. of Southern Luzon State University, Dr. Benedict O. Medina, Director for Curriculum and Instruction of Batangas State University, and Dr. Ruth C. Cordero, PRMSU Head of Ethics served as panel of evaluators.
Mr. Rey E. Dalusong, BEEd Program Chair presented two completed extension projects entitled Summer Reading Tutorial 2018 and 2019 at Bani Elementary School while Mr. Joven Ian M. Marquez, CTE Extension Services Coordinator shared the on-going extension project of BSEd, Mathematics and English Riding in Tandem (Project MERIT) in close collaboration with Amungan National High School.
The evaluation ended with the awarding of Certificates of Recognition to all paper presenters and winners in the Best Paper Award for Completed Category. Mr. Dalusong’s presentation on the two summer reading program was awarded Third Best Paper. Congratulations to all paper presenters, the PRMSU Extension Services Office and many thanks to the distinguished panel of evaluators!