PRMSU Extension Services’ 1st Annual In-house Review and Evaluation of Extension Programs, Projects and Activities (PPAs) was conducted on October 21, 2022 via Zoom. The review and evaluation specifically aimed to: establish the monitoring and evaluation system of the University’s Extension PPAs; inspire and motivate the faculty members to be further engaged in the development of new PPAs; strengthen and enhance the skills of the faculty extensionists int the development of extension programs and projects; emphasize the importance of the conduct of extension PPAs; and encourage the faculty extensionists to develop an extension program and project proposals aligned with the thrust of each mandated program and anchored to the University’s extension agenda. It was participated in by University officials, Extension coordinators and faculty extensionists. For. Felino J. Gutierrez Jr. (Southern Luzon State University), Dr. Benedict O. Medina (Batangas State University) and Dr. Ruth C. Cordero (President Ramon Magsaysay State University) served as evaluators for the review and evalution.