PRMSU Main Campus College of Teacher Education Extension Program Office donated reading materials (Fuller Method and Marungko approach) to our partner school, Lawak Elementary School, Amungan, Iba, Zambales

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

PRMSU Main Campus College of Teacher Education Extension Program Office donated reading materials (Fuller Method and Marungko approach) to our partner school, Lawak Elementary School, Amungan, Iba, Zambales. Said materials were received by Mr. Ernesto Flordeliz, School Head, Ms. Charity S. Palele, School Reading Coordinator and other faculty members of the school. PRMSU CTE was represented by Mr. Mark Gil Dela Rosa, Iba Campus Extension Coordinator and Mr. Joven Ian M. Marquez, CTE Extension Coordinator.

A short benchmark survey meeting was held afterwards to assess current academic needs and issues faced by the school. This is part of sustaining PRMSU’s presence in the community through its strong and dynamic partnership with Lawak Elementary School.

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